17 September 2006

last entry

Start writing in this blog since 3rd of Dec 2004. Can't believe i've been blogging for almost 2 years, checking the amount of entries written.. My, what have i write ..? =/ Should have wrote more useful stuffs, rather than just filling the pages with mere ramblings.

I've been thinking to end this blog and begin a new one. Need a bit of a change, since i'm about to start a new chapter of life as well =]. Today, as i was packing my stuffs, found this words scribbled in my long-lost book, " Change is a process of adapting to real life situations ". Heh, have to admit that i'm a lil bit wary, not knowing how thing's gonna be..but i'm ready..insyaAllah ! =D

This has been a wonderful experience for me. The opportunity to express myself in words. Opens me to new perspective about things, appreciating myself more and accepting differences around me. I've met some new people, and found old friends. And I believe that this has help to improve my English too..though there're still grammatical errors here and there heheh. Well...the learning will continue, insyaAllah...=]

I'm taking this opportunity to thank friends and readers, who have visited my blog from time to time and dropping a few lines. I know how silly some of the entries are, plus the fact that i wrote nothing grand..but knowing tht some ppl read them, it makes me really happy. Thank you, ppl..for making me feel like a real writer =].

And i humbly apologise to anyone whom i've hurt intentionally or unintentionally. For my actions or words which might have angered or offended some of the readers here. For my insensitiveness in talking about certain issues, if i have 'menyinggung' anyone, i apologise. Insya Allah..i have learned some lessons, and will try to do better in the future blog. ( if there's any, tht is..hehe )..

Well, i guess this is it..my final entry. Thanks and sorry again for everything, insyaAllah, panjang umur, ada kelapangan, kudrat serta idea2 lagi , we'll meet again. And with this coming Ramadhan, i'm wishing all of us strength to make full use of the 30 days given to us. May this coming holy month will be a fresh new start for us all, insyaAllah. Lets do our best..,semoga kita semua beroleh keberkatan dan kebaikan yang berpanjangan dunia dan akhirat...amiin..=].

Wish me luck, .. and pray for me ya.., =]..gonna miss writing in here ..

Sayonara..everyone ! \(**,)/

.."I guess I've learned, to question is to grow
That you still have faith, is all I need to know
I've learned to love, myself in spite of me
And I've learned to walk, the road that I believe .."
- 'Do I Make You Proud' by Taylor Hicks


abd said...

It would be cool if you put the link to your new blog(whenever you create it) here.

Sahalfikri said...

it's like a suprise to me.. maknanya nazz dah tak menulis ke? atau kalau menulis pun (dalam blog baru) bukan dalam jangka masa terdekat ni?

i agree with abd for his idea. your blog is very meaningful to most of the readers including me.. sbb nazz suka cite pasal life. this what people seldom talk n share in public. but this is what we should learn from.

it's juz like a story of Morrie that benefit Mitch..

don't let your openness in talking about life be gradually closed..keep it widely open.

Folgore said...

The end of something, is a beginning of another thing..

justme said...

salaam =]

insyaAllah, 'abd', i will let u know, and the others as well,....dunno when to start the new blog though..

=],'sahalfikri'..closing this blog doesnt mean it's the end to my long-term relationship with 'pen and papers'..;].InsyaAllah, when i have ample time to sit down and write,..i will start 'blogging' again.

and 'adiramli'..im still waiting to hear about the stuffs yg adi kata nak cerite tuh..bilenye nak berkongsi ilmu2 adi tu dgn naz...? apa kata u write it down kat scolobu, lgpun dh sunyi sgt dh website skolah kita tuh..kan? =]

Folgore said...

Uik.. Ingat lagi ko pasal benda tu.. Aku pun dah tak ingat.. Pasal apa yeh? (Sambil garu2 kepala).

Sesetengah benda kena tgk keadaan jugak. Ada yg leh dibincang secara terbuka. Ada pula yg orang akan anggap sensitif. Tgk lah, mungkin melalui email boleh kot.

Boleh tolong ingatkan aku tak pasal apa ye? Serius lupa. Nak browse alik satu2 mesej ni memang letih.. Wuhuhuhu..
