20 June 2005

kahwin sms belaja...hmm..

Looking at one of my friend, ballooning up, bearing her first child that is due in September..a few weeks before our fifth year Semester 1 exam. Watching her rushing around between clinic hours in her pregnant condition, and smtmes I catch her looking so tired..it makes me wonder to myself..what makes her so adamant to go through all these now, when she knew she could just wait until after we finished our study? What has changed my once quite brutal-not-womanly friend into this pretty, beautiful lady, and now..mother-to-be..? Im just..baffled.

I asked her once. She answered, with glowing smile on her face “..because I want to see him everyday, that’s why ..and couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from him. So we decided to get married..that’s all..” Huh?! That simple, that easy...? My,my…love is a powerful thing.

She is just one of the people who amazes me somehow, people who choose to juggle studies, ..( we don’t just sit in lecture hall, or tutorial room, we run around, from lab to clinic, from clinic to lab again..bla2..i tripped many times..and don’t say anything about it kakak..=/ ), and also family life, as wife and soon, mother…it’s not an easy task. When all of the other friends are still happily enjoying singleton, where the only thing we care and focus about is ourselves, .. she on the other hand has to sacrifices a lot of thing, ..the list is too long to be written in here, basically, she no longer has a real personal, solitude moment. Her own time. Ever. Hmm..

Okay..sebelum anybody membuat assumption yg aku ni anti-perkahwinan, please erase away that stupid thinking sekarang jugak. Of course, I want to get married jugak one day, im a normal woman what.. =].It just what puzzles me is that, apa yg buat dia sungguh nekad, tetap dgn keputusan, berani dan redah je segala kemungkinan dan cabaran yg dia sendiri tahu dia akan hadapi sekiranya kahwin semasa belajar, sedangkan dia punya option lain, yg mungkin lebih memudahkan kehidupan dia yg masih bergelar pelajar, contohnya…tunggulah habis belajar dulu..contohla kan. Ini bukan main2, lecturer2 sendiri kurg menggalakkan student kawin ms belajar, esp perempuan. Besides mslh2 lain yg akan timbul, we handle hazardous materials dlm lab, which not very good to health, esp kalau ms mengandung. Of course ada precaution steps taken, but if we can avoid it all over, why take the risk, and the hassle.?..

Tapi secara jujurnya, aku mengkagumi mereka ni. Kesanggupan mereka untuk menerima apa juga kesukaran yg datang, demi untuk hidup bersama orang yg tersayang. Rela bersusah di kala kwn2 seusia masih seronok ‘huha2’ sana sini. Dan ada antara golongan2 ini yg mampu untuk sukses dengan cemerlang, ( lagi bagus dr kwn2 yg single nih..heheh ), dlm keadaan mereka yg sudah berkeluarga. Serious aku tabik. Kerana kalau aku, aku tak pernah terfikir pun option tu, dan takkan bersetuju untuk itu selagi tak habis belajar =

But still..melihatkan kwn aku tuh, muka tersenyum dia, kegembiraan yg sgt ketara terpancar di mata dia..aku tahu keputusan yg dia buat tidak silap. Aku pun tumpang seronok dan excited, tak sabar tunggu tengok dia mendukung baby pertama dia. Dah berangan2 dlm kepala, hadiah apa aku nak beli nanti ya..hmm…Apa2 hal pun, bila dah jodoh, ikan di laut, asam di darat, dlm periuk bikin muafakat..walaupun ikan tak habis belajar berenang lagi pun, nak buat cemene kan..kalau dh jodohnya sampai awal, selamatlah bergulai dgn asam..hhehe

Bila dh bertemu dgn orang yang kita rasa kita nak tengok setiap hari, orang yg kita tak sabar2 nak jumpa untuk ceritakan hari kita, orang yg pertama kita nak tengok sebaik bangun dr tidur dan orang terakhir kita nak lihat sebelum pejam mata. Hmm..mungkin macam itu agaknya rasa mencintai seseorg. Mungkin jika aku dah ketemu dgn org begitu, tak mustahil aku juga akan bertindak macam dia...hmm,..but on second thought, tak maulah..tak puas lagi hidup seorg..heheh…


Anonymous said...
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bukh said...

ikan dilaut asam didarat.. dalam periuk bikin muafakat.. haha.. lawak laa kata2 nih... anyway.. nice entry laa

Anonymous said...

ooo i like that last paragraph..i guess i am ready to get married la kut! eheheh

aishahhatta said...

ape2 pon bergantung pada niat .. kalau niat dia kawen utk bersama dgn yg tersayang..dia akan dapat itu je la. tapi kalau dia niat tk dpt keredhaan Allah, insyaAllah itu jugak yg dia dapat kan! time wise, tak kesah pon masa belajar ke lepas kerja ke.. (macam saya laa.. ahahha) --tisya--

justme said...

hi there everyone..=]

thanks for dropping by bukhari, nway, u must have noticed, that was not the original Malay adage, Heheh..it clicked quite nice rite, got it from iklan raya kat tv thn lepas...

and kakak..yup, i just knew u would say that =D..eheh..

hi tisya =]..thanks.. and yup, u are rite. thanks for reminding me and everyone here about the most important thing yet always forgotten reason in life,,that is 'mardhatillah'. All the best ya, i know ull do good in ur studies, married or not! =D .Have a blessful marriage !