had ortho session this morning, review patient's progress. Unfortunately, dear patient is not really compliant, causing him with no changes in occlusion before and during treatment. Iskk..kesian pulak tgk dia kena sound dgn doktor td, which secretly thinking..i should be doing the same.Be more strict to my patient. Hmm..
anway..spending my time in cc, nak tunggu zohor, and balik rumah. All my siblings are at home, precious moment mcm ni should not be wasted. It's not easy to gather all seven of us, since some only managed to be around once a year. Sometimes it occurs to me, how will it be, when all of us have started our own family, some might be staying far away, when things are different from now..hmm..
klah..need to relax and have some time alone. Thought of going to times square and spend some time in Borders, but before that, i have to go and buy 'roti john', 5 bungkus of 'roti john' to be exact,..huh..an order from adik2, sheesh..the sight of me juggling 5 'roti john's, along with my bag of books home, that's sure will steal some glances to me, oohh..how very attractive. Wondering what ppl might be thinking, seeing me hogging bundles of foods..hmm,perhaps.. " wuihh..bnyk nya dia ni makan.."..or.." mak aii, sampai 5 batang, makan sorg ke..?". Heheh, suddenly a vision of me standing in the monorail with a tag dangling from my neck saying.." INI UNTUK 'SINGA2' LAPAR DI RUMAH, HARAP MAKLUM". Ehhe.,,one thing about buying a lot of roti john, and carrying it home in a public transport, namely lrts or monorails, is that everyone will have a share of its aroma,and that's enough to make some ppl's tummy growling with hunger, and others salivating furiously. Minta maap yaa...tak boleh nak tolong..ehhe =]. Adik beradik punya pasal..
oklah..need to go and pray...and be home by this evening...and makan dinner kat rumah..and ...yahhoooo! =D
26 August 2005
17 August 2005
hal surau
atr masalah yg dihadapi di surau awam ( specifically, surau kat Shopping complexes.. =/ ) :
1. kecik yg amat. Sampai kdg2 berlaga2 atr satu sama lain, "engkau tengok aku, aku tengok engkau"...hmm. Bagus jugak kalau pak/mak menteri intai sikit kedhaifan tempat sujud di shopping complex ni. Kalau bangunan lain boleh bina dgn gahnya, apalah salahnya peruntukkan ruang yg baik sikit utk surau. Jangan lupa, selagi mana manusia menggunakan ruang binaan kita tu utk solat, selagi itulah pahalanya mengalir pd kita...
2. kebajikan tak terpelihara. Dengan kotor dan bau yg tak menyenangkan, ditambah pulak telekung yg disediakan ibarat tak pernah menjenguk mesin basuh..hmm, pendek kata, kalau nak khusyuk sket sembahyang, bawaklah telekung sendiri bila keluar.
3. telatah sesetengah manusia, yg kdg2 buatkan aku terfikir, .."alahai..". Dalam ruang sempit, tak perlulah duduk berlama2 untuk berbual, dengan prihatin bangun dan berkalih tempat utk beri ruang kepada org lain pulak utk sembahyang. Itu belum kira yg berbual dgn suara tinggi lagi..( issk, yg mana kdg2 buat aku terasa sgt lah berdosanya aku..kalau aku tak terikut2 sekali dlm 'perbincangan',aku tidak pula melarang. Lantas..sama2 kongsi 'saham'nya... )
4. one more thing, ermm..ni bukan masalah surau sgt, tp since dh berckp ttg surau nih..ill just write along. Aku faham, kain sembahyang surau awam ni mmg agak singkat sikit, jd kita yg menggunakannya kenalah alert dn pandai2 sendiri, utk elakkan dr kaki terdedah semasa sujud. Juga, kepada manusia2 lain yg terlihat kain sembahyang mana2 hamba Allah tersingkap hingga menampakkan kaki mereka, cepat2 tutupkan semula...jgn kita biarkan dan tengok aje, akan tak sah sembahyangnya dan dia kena solat semula.
Wallahu'alam....hari ni tercakap psl ni plak..sekadar komentar aku yg suka mengomen..ehhe..=]. Bye fellas!
1. kecik yg amat. Sampai kdg2 berlaga2 atr satu sama lain, "engkau tengok aku, aku tengok engkau"...hmm. Bagus jugak kalau pak/mak menteri intai sikit kedhaifan tempat sujud di shopping complex ni. Kalau bangunan lain boleh bina dgn gahnya, apalah salahnya peruntukkan ruang yg baik sikit utk surau. Jangan lupa, selagi mana manusia menggunakan ruang binaan kita tu utk solat, selagi itulah pahalanya mengalir pd kita...
2. kebajikan tak terpelihara. Dengan kotor dan bau yg tak menyenangkan, ditambah pulak telekung yg disediakan ibarat tak pernah menjenguk mesin basuh..hmm, pendek kata, kalau nak khusyuk sket sembahyang, bawaklah telekung sendiri bila keluar.
3. telatah sesetengah manusia, yg kdg2 buatkan aku terfikir, .."alahai..". Dalam ruang sempit, tak perlulah duduk berlama2 untuk berbual, dengan prihatin bangun dan berkalih tempat utk beri ruang kepada org lain pulak utk sembahyang. Itu belum kira yg berbual dgn suara tinggi lagi..( issk, yg mana kdg2 buat aku terasa sgt lah berdosanya aku..kalau aku tak terikut2 sekali dlm 'perbincangan',aku tidak pula melarang. Lantas..sama2 kongsi 'saham'nya... )
4. one more thing, ermm..ni bukan masalah surau sgt, tp since dh berckp ttg surau nih..ill just write along. Aku faham, kain sembahyang surau awam ni mmg agak singkat sikit, jd kita yg menggunakannya kenalah alert dn pandai2 sendiri, utk elakkan dr kaki terdedah semasa sujud. Juga, kepada manusia2 lain yg terlihat kain sembahyang mana2 hamba Allah tersingkap hingga menampakkan kaki mereka, cepat2 tutupkan semula...jgn kita biarkan dan tengok aje, akan tak sah sembahyangnya dan dia kena solat semula.
Wallahu'alam....hari ni tercakap psl ni plak..sekadar komentar aku yg suka mengomen..ehhe..=]. Bye fellas!
10 August 2005
Jerebu sgt kuat hari ni. Dahsyatnya sampai udara berbau lain dr biasa. Sebaik keluar dr klinik, mata rs kabur dan pedih. Masa berjalan ke arah bas tadi, ternampak 2-3 org memakai mask, dan yg lain kelihatan buru2 berjalan, cuba mengelak dr terlalu lama terdedah kepada udara tak sihat ni.
Banyakkan minum air masak,dan kerap basuh muka. Kalau takde hal penting, elakkan dari keluar. Penangan jerebu, bgn pagi td rs sakit tekak yg melampau, ikutkan hati nak aje berselubung balik atas katil.Iskk...bila lah nak reda suasana kabut dan suram nih...
Macam2 dlm fikiran aku. Nak diluahkan semua kat sini, takde lah aku se'bold' dan seterbuka itu, tak semua isi hati aku kongsikan secara online begini. Baru aku tahu, kenapa pelajar2 Akademi Fantasia tu kdg2 mcm org tak betul bercakap dgn kamera,..rupa2nya agak seronok dan release sikit perasaan bila bercakap atau berbicara begini. Macam bercakap dgn kamera, kita tahu ada org melihat dan mendengar kita di sana, tapi kita tak tahu siapa. Perasaan yg tak sama seperti bercakap dgn org kita kenal. Seperti menulis kat sini..'berkomunikasi' dgn org2 yg aku tak tahu sapa, tak tahu ada ke orgnya,entah bagaimana rupa, ...dll..
" berkabus di luar, jerebu lagi hati sendiri.."
Banyakkan minum air masak,dan kerap basuh muka. Kalau takde hal penting, elakkan dari keluar. Penangan jerebu, bgn pagi td rs sakit tekak yg melampau, ikutkan hati nak aje berselubung balik atas katil.Iskk...bila lah nak reda suasana kabut dan suram nih...
Macam2 dlm fikiran aku. Nak diluahkan semua kat sini, takde lah aku se'bold' dan seterbuka itu, tak semua isi hati aku kongsikan secara online begini. Baru aku tahu, kenapa pelajar2 Akademi Fantasia tu kdg2 mcm org tak betul bercakap dgn kamera,..rupa2nya agak seronok dan release sikit perasaan bila bercakap atau berbicara begini. Macam bercakap dgn kamera, kita tahu ada org melihat dan mendengar kita di sana, tapi kita tak tahu siapa. Perasaan yg tak sama seperti bercakap dgn org kita kenal. Seperti menulis kat sini..'berkomunikasi' dgn org2 yg aku tak tahu sapa, tak tahu ada ke orgnya,entah bagaimana rupa, ...dll..
" berkabus di luar, jerebu lagi hati sendiri.."
09 August 2005
nak kawan dulu
“ …kami nak kawan dulu..” – adlin aman ramlie
Petikan dari temubual dgn Adlin Aman Ramlie ( ; ] ), dlm akhbar Pancaindera last two weeks. Kan best kalau aku boleh buat statement mcm tu dgn clear dan mudah…kan best kalau aku setelus dan setegas dia. Lebih best kalau orang2 sekeliling faham dan meredhainya, dan tak kecoh2 mengenainya.. Kan best kalau begitu.
Aku rasa begitulah sepatutnya. Kawan - kawan dulu. Kerana melalui perkawanan inilah, kita kenal hati budi, kita boleh bercerita dengan satu sama lain dengan rileks dan terbuka tanpa melibatkan sebarang unsur perasaan.Yang mana melalui berkawan2 ini, masing2 menjadi diri sendiri, tiada berselindung atau nak control macho atau ayu, berkongsi kisah masing2, pendapat dan buah fikiran, bertelagah apabila tidak sekepala dalam isu2 tertentu, dan saling membantu untuk kebaikan bersama. Itulah bahagia dan gembiranya apabila kita berkawan. Dan persahabatan akan berterusan, apa jua akan jadi pada hari esok, yg penting ikatan sebagai kawan sudah ada dan wujud.
Dan melalui persahabatan inilah, keserasian, kesesuaian dan persefahaman dapat kita nilai dan perhati. Melaluinya dapat kita congak2, mungkinkah dapat dianjak kedudukan ‘kawan’ ini ke tangga yg lebih tinggi dan istimewa letaknya? Melalui berkawan juga, kita lebih mengenali diri sendiri, mengamati kepelbagaian ragam manusia di sekeliling kita, dan lebih memahami karenah dunia. Kita juga turut dapat lebih mengenal keluarga dan latar belakang dia. Pendekkan kata yang panjang, segalanya2 bermula dengan kawan.
Jadi..berkawan-kawanlah dulu, samada perkawanan ini membawa kepada perhubungan yang lebih intim atau tidak, sekurang2nya dia telah menjadi kawan kita. Cuma yg menjadi masalahnya ialah mulut2 org yg tak boleh kita nak tutup atau kawal buah butir percakapan mereka. Ada wujud golongan yg hobinya bergossip, dan pantang tengok Adam dan Hawa berkawan rapat, mulalah nak jual cerita. Entahlah ..mulut org, bukan di bawah kawalan kita.
Apa2 pun, ...berkawanlah dulu, ...
Petikan dari temubual dgn Adlin Aman Ramlie ( ; ] ), dlm akhbar Pancaindera last two weeks. Kan best kalau aku boleh buat statement mcm tu dgn clear dan mudah…kan best kalau aku setelus dan setegas dia. Lebih best kalau orang2 sekeliling faham dan meredhainya, dan tak kecoh2 mengenainya.. Kan best kalau begitu.
Aku rasa begitulah sepatutnya. Kawan - kawan dulu. Kerana melalui perkawanan inilah, kita kenal hati budi, kita boleh bercerita dengan satu sama lain dengan rileks dan terbuka tanpa melibatkan sebarang unsur perasaan.Yang mana melalui berkawan2 ini, masing2 menjadi diri sendiri, tiada berselindung atau nak control macho atau ayu, berkongsi kisah masing2, pendapat dan buah fikiran, bertelagah apabila tidak sekepala dalam isu2 tertentu, dan saling membantu untuk kebaikan bersama. Itulah bahagia dan gembiranya apabila kita berkawan. Dan persahabatan akan berterusan, apa jua akan jadi pada hari esok, yg penting ikatan sebagai kawan sudah ada dan wujud.
Dan melalui persahabatan inilah, keserasian, kesesuaian dan persefahaman dapat kita nilai dan perhati. Melaluinya dapat kita congak2, mungkinkah dapat dianjak kedudukan ‘kawan’ ini ke tangga yg lebih tinggi dan istimewa letaknya? Melalui berkawan juga, kita lebih mengenali diri sendiri, mengamati kepelbagaian ragam manusia di sekeliling kita, dan lebih memahami karenah dunia. Kita juga turut dapat lebih mengenal keluarga dan latar belakang dia. Pendekkan kata yang panjang, segalanya2 bermula dengan kawan.
Jadi..berkawan-kawanlah dulu, samada perkawanan ini membawa kepada perhubungan yang lebih intim atau tidak, sekurang2nya dia telah menjadi kawan kita. Cuma yg menjadi masalahnya ialah mulut2 org yg tak boleh kita nak tutup atau kawal buah butir percakapan mereka. Ada wujud golongan yg hobinya bergossip, dan pantang tengok Adam dan Hawa berkawan rapat, mulalah nak jual cerita. Entahlah ..mulut org, bukan di bawah kawalan kita.
Apa2 pun, ...berkawanlah dulu, ...
08 August 2005
complicated mind
my mom once said to me “…jangan suka buat teori2 macam tu, nanti makan diri sendiri..”..Yup, I can feel it’s ‘eating’ me rite now.
I never knew that those silly theories ( ..silly they are, I know..) that were created unconsciously became sthg that I quite believed in. And when u believed in sthg, and sudddenly someone significant in ur life told u that it was all crap and rubbish, u have quite a hard time restructuring and reprogramming ur mind to what is perceived as the right way to think it. Am I making any sense here..? never mind…
Since I was kid, naughty, loud and bullyish..there’s always a small part in me, most of the time hidden and unnoticed. The side in me who enjoys watching ppl, as I waited for my father to come pick me up. Who likes to look out from the car windows, and ponders to myself as I look in other people’s cars. Who are they in life, rich people..? happy people..? they do seem happy. Where are they going? What kind of life they have, and are they husband and wife..? They do look good together. The tendency to observe human beings around me, up until now..i still do that.
And unknowingly, from mere observation, my mind worked creating its own philosophy judging from what I see. Smtmes a theory was made up. At first, it was just a way to fill up the time as I was waiting, but later on..it became a natural thing to do. Anytime, anywhere. I just hope that it can be considered as quite a reliable products of my thinking, that might benefit others ..but sadly enough, it is not. And ive come to a point in life, where I have to accept that life is just not like that. It doesnt work the way ive pictured and theorized all my life. Some have good life, others are not that fortunate. Some ppl are lucky enough to meet their soulmate, others don’t, and not all marriages are blissful and like fairy-tales. And most important thing is, superficial things that i see from car windows or while waiting at the bus stop, it doesnt truly represent the actual whole story. And also..life doesn’t work in one same way. There’s not only one road for everyone, every person in this whole universe have their very own story, each possess their own unique history.
Well..guess, there’s still much more to learn..
“ life doesn’t have to be very complex. In the past, I used to analyse every tiny detail and make my life very complicated. Not anymore. I have come to understand that sometimes things just happen and we have to accept them “ – Craig Fong
p/s :..oohh..when can I think like this Craig guy, and stop critically analysing every single thing that’s going on around me, it’ll sure make my life much, much..easier..and happier.
I never knew that those silly theories ( ..silly they are, I know..) that were created unconsciously became sthg that I quite believed in. And when u believed in sthg, and sudddenly someone significant in ur life told u that it was all crap and rubbish, u have quite a hard time restructuring and reprogramming ur mind to what is perceived as the right way to think it. Am I making any sense here..? never mind…
Since I was kid, naughty, loud and bullyish..there’s always a small part in me, most of the time hidden and unnoticed. The side in me who enjoys watching ppl, as I waited for my father to come pick me up. Who likes to look out from the car windows, and ponders to myself as I look in other people’s cars. Who are they in life, rich people..? happy people..? they do seem happy. Where are they going? What kind of life they have, and are they husband and wife..? They do look good together. The tendency to observe human beings around me, up until now..i still do that.
And unknowingly, from mere observation, my mind worked creating its own philosophy judging from what I see. Smtmes a theory was made up. At first, it was just a way to fill up the time as I was waiting, but later on..it became a natural thing to do. Anytime, anywhere. I just hope that it can be considered as quite a reliable products of my thinking, that might benefit others ..but sadly enough, it is not. And ive come to a point in life, where I have to accept that life is just not like that. It doesnt work the way ive pictured and theorized all my life. Some have good life, others are not that fortunate. Some ppl are lucky enough to meet their soulmate, others don’t, and not all marriages are blissful and like fairy-tales. And most important thing is, superficial things that i see from car windows or while waiting at the bus stop, it doesnt truly represent the actual whole story. And also..life doesn’t work in one same way. There’s not only one road for everyone, every person in this whole universe have their very own story, each possess their own unique history.
Well..guess, there’s still much more to learn..
“ life doesn’t have to be very complex. In the past, I used to analyse every tiny detail and make my life very complicated. Not anymore. I have come to understand that sometimes things just happen and we have to accept them “ – Craig Fong
p/s :..oohh..when can I think like this Craig guy, and stop critically analysing every single thing that’s going on around me, it’ll sure make my life much, much..easier..and happier.
04 August 2005
wedding gift hunt..
huh..never know shopping for wedding gift can be this hard..=/. (and as usual, im making it harder by being indecisive and clueless of what to buy..great.)
two of my wonderful friends held a kenduri kahwin this Sabtu. Hehe..i still smile recalling the times when we were still in school, when the girl would shyly talk about the lucky boy, and i remember that i didnt think twice to nod aggreably, showing my approval and encourage her to keep the relationship going. Even then, i know that they will last long..( gee..look who's talking, speak for urself , naz..=[.)
buying gift is not among my expertise, especially when i have the tendency to spend half and hour comparing two things, and lastly decided not to buy any. I'll go to another store and the whole cycle of scrutinizing, meticulously inspecting plus seriously thinking of whether to buy this or that repeated all over again, fuuh..that is enough to exhaust me, and usually resulted with me going home empty-handed. Like what happen yesterday. Went out with both my sisters, they did help in giving some helpful tips and ideas, what to buy for married couples..something that would benefit a marriage life, not too childish not too oldies, as the couples are only my age. Buying pots and pans or set of Arcopal like what my mother always buy for our relatives doenst seem like a very interesting idea for me, ..i was thinking of something more 'young', more fresh and ..nice. Not that im saying pots and pans are not a nice gift, they are very useful..but..something else. Ermm..frame? Photoalbums? towels with embroidered words like' happy wedding day' on it? or teddy bears, a pair of teddy bears, male and female wearing wedding costumes..? Now that's very matured.
Back in schooling days, when they have this exchanging gifts thing, every year, some of them would make list of things they want, and they would announce it so that the person who's supposed to buy them gift will 'accidentally' know, and would give them what they want. Heheh..so, that's the definition of 'gift and present' ehh..? Hmm..i dunno, there's always a two-way of seeing things. By doing that, u are making it easier for both parties, u get what u want, and the other person will be free from any headaches in thinking of what to buy for u. But for me, i dont really like saying out what i want as my gift, as i like the surprise when i open a beautifully wrapped box, excitedly thinking.." what's inside?". Plus..the idea of gift and present, lose some of its meaningfulness and thoughtfulness when we ask for it, ermm ...in a way - lah. When i was in Form 3, i got a gift from a boy for the ecxhanging gift ritual, someone i didnt really know, i mean he's my friend but we are not close,and i think he felt the same towards me. When he handed me the box, i remember he said .." im sorry, i dont know what to buy for u,". Remembered the excitement as i couldnt wait to open the gift, the feeling of not knowing what's hidden inside the box. He got me a cute organizer, just the kind i like, the type i would buy for myself. And i still have it, along with the note inside =].
okaylah..so back to the wedding gift hunt. What to buy nih?..=/..
two of my wonderful friends held a kenduri kahwin this Sabtu. Hehe..i still smile recalling the times when we were still in school, when the girl would shyly talk about the lucky boy, and i remember that i didnt think twice to nod aggreably, showing my approval and encourage her to keep the relationship going. Even then, i know that they will last long..( gee..look who's talking, speak for urself , naz..=[.)
buying gift is not among my expertise, especially when i have the tendency to spend half and hour comparing two things, and lastly decided not to buy any. I'll go to another store and the whole cycle of scrutinizing, meticulously inspecting plus seriously thinking of whether to buy this or that repeated all over again, fuuh..that is enough to exhaust me, and usually resulted with me going home empty-handed. Like what happen yesterday. Went out with both my sisters, they did help in giving some helpful tips and ideas, what to buy for married couples..something that would benefit a marriage life, not too childish not too oldies, as the couples are only my age. Buying pots and pans or set of Arcopal like what my mother always buy for our relatives doenst seem like a very interesting idea for me, ..i was thinking of something more 'young', more fresh and ..nice. Not that im saying pots and pans are not a nice gift, they are very useful..but..something else. Ermm..frame? Photoalbums? towels with embroidered words like' happy wedding day' on it? or teddy bears, a pair of teddy bears, male and female wearing wedding costumes..? Now that's very matured.
Back in schooling days, when they have this exchanging gifts thing, every year, some of them would make list of things they want, and they would announce it so that the person who's supposed to buy them gift will 'accidentally' know, and would give them what they want. Heheh..so, that's the definition of 'gift and present' ehh..? Hmm..i dunno, there's always a two-way of seeing things. By doing that, u are making it easier for both parties, u get what u want, and the other person will be free from any headaches in thinking of what to buy for u. But for me, i dont really like saying out what i want as my gift, as i like the surprise when i open a beautifully wrapped box, excitedly thinking.." what's inside?". Plus..the idea of gift and present, lose some of its meaningfulness and thoughtfulness when we ask for it, ermm ...in a way - lah. When i was in Form 3, i got a gift from a boy for the ecxhanging gift ritual, someone i didnt really know, i mean he's my friend but we are not close,and i think he felt the same towards me. When he handed me the box, i remember he said .." im sorry, i dont know what to buy for u,". Remembered the excitement as i couldnt wait to open the gift, the feeling of not knowing what's hidden inside the box. He got me a cute organizer, just the kind i like, the type i would buy for myself. And i still have it, along with the note inside =].
okaylah..so back to the wedding gift hunt. What to buy nih?..=/..
02 August 2005
a memorable trip...
salaam everybody..! =D
Back in Kl, after a week in Perlis plus another 2 days in Langkawi...one word to describe the experience..awesome! InsyaAllah, ill go there again one day, and i think i will never able to forget the wonderful ppl ive met in Perlis. Surrounded by paddy fields, accepted like family members, org2 PErlis mmg best, ramah2 dan mesra semuanya. And oh yeah.. one thing noted during my stay in Perlis..tak pernah sekalipun lekat dlm traffic jam,kereta meluncur laju je.. sthg yg sgt unlikely to happen in Kl. Thank u very much for everything..PErlis best!
And Langkawi is a must-visit place. I trully enjoyed my stay there, i went island hopping, ( and very much regret not getting the chance to try parasailing..=/)..i tried my skill in fishing and managed to catch one fish..heheh =p, had a ride in cable car, go shopping like maniac in Pekan Kuah..but the most joyful moment, was the stroll along the beach during sunset, memijak pasir halus di Pantai Beras Basah, merasai mainan ombak di kaki, melihat lautan luas sgt, macam takde hujungnya..hmm..i really love oceans and beaches..=]. ill update my photos in Perlis and LAngkawi in Friendster soon..TApi biasalah, lps balik main pantai, muka pun gelap semacam je, masa main tu tak ingat dunia..
okaylah..till later ya, and frankly speaking, kinda miss u guys..glad to be back..=]
Back in Kl, after a week in Perlis plus another 2 days in Langkawi...one word to describe the experience..awesome! InsyaAllah, ill go there again one day, and i think i will never able to forget the wonderful ppl ive met in Perlis. Surrounded by paddy fields, accepted like family members, org2 PErlis mmg best, ramah2 dan mesra semuanya. And oh yeah.. one thing noted during my stay in Perlis..tak pernah sekalipun lekat dlm traffic jam,kereta meluncur laju je.. sthg yg sgt unlikely to happen in Kl. Thank u very much for everything..PErlis best!
And Langkawi is a must-visit place. I trully enjoyed my stay there, i went island hopping, ( and very much regret not getting the chance to try parasailing..=/)..i tried my skill in fishing and managed to catch one fish..heheh =p, had a ride in cable car, go shopping like maniac in Pekan Kuah..but the most joyful moment, was the stroll along the beach during sunset, memijak pasir halus di Pantai Beras Basah, merasai mainan ombak di kaki, melihat lautan luas sgt, macam takde hujungnya..hmm..i really love oceans and beaches..=]. ill update my photos in Perlis and LAngkawi in Friendster soon..TApi biasalah, lps balik main pantai, muka pun gelap semacam je, masa main tu tak ingat dunia..
okaylah..till later ya, and frankly speaking, kinda miss u guys..glad to be back..=]
benar kata pepatah lama
tak kenal maka tak cinta
kini Perlis ibarat saudara
dekat di hati hampir di jiwa
merenung lautan luas terbentang
sendiri merasai damai dan tenang
bumi Langkawi pasti kukenang
Panjang usiaku, satu hari ku ulang datang...
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