02 April 2006

walking towards destiny

alhamdulillah..feeling very happy today..=]

guess 'love after marriage' is not so bad after all, we just have to endure the first few 'feeling-less' moments ..

betullah mcm yg dikata..'tak kenal maka tak cinta'...bila dh kenal, terasa sgt Tuhan sayang, dipandu-Nya kita ke jalan yg paling sesuai dan terbaik utk kita...

now ..it's up to me...naz, prove to urself..sure u can..!!!

doakan saya yea...=]..

*in my final days as undergraduate student..


AiSyaHuMaiRa said...

Yes Naz, it's never too bad after all. Allahu ma'ana. Make prayers and all the best in your finals.

tm nut said...

walk each path one step at a time - with courage, faith & determination, like you always do

justme said...

( can u see me smiling happily from ear to ear..? )..=]

arigatou..mina-san!!! =D